Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dialectic Journals

Book #7 Chapter #30 "The opposite of fear ,is love." This struck me most deeply because of how for all of Dienekes life he has devoted himself to the study of fear and for this revelation to finally reveal itself. It all makes sense because when you fight for something you love like for the Civil War the north and south battled for there love of America. This love might have not been as strong as the Spartans for Sparta but there was love that consumed the soldiers and gave themselves the courage to win. This makes me feel like there is always going to be something worth fighting for in life even if it is not clear it is there and that is something that people need to realize. It is true because most suicidal people have just not found what is wort fighting for even if it right in front of them.

Book #7 Chapter #34 "Now eat a good breakfast, men. For we'll all be sharing dinner in hell."

I find this extremely striking because of how willing Leonidas is about dieing and from the passage knows that he and his men have done sins of all kinds and they are going to hell when they have left the world of the living. They knew that it would end like this from the very beginning and from the way the author writes it they have no difference in how they feel about the outcome. This quote connects to me because more than likely I am going to die and go to hell (If there is a hell) for all the bad stuff I have done and will more than likely do in the future. 

Book #8"What would they give the noblest amongst them to stand here with use now."

Again the Spartans have acknowledged the fact that there time is at an end how ever they are joking about there situation laughing at the fact that if  the Persians were to want someone to come over to the Spartans they would pay them an extremely large sum for everyone knew that there was not a hope on earth for the Spartans to survive this suicide mission. In a way this helps me understand the book more because of how forceful it is basically telling me that the story is only telling of how they fought greatly and it is all over end of story.

Book #8 "If she saves herself it will not be at the hot gates but later in battles left to come." 

There is no avoiding the fact that the 300 will lose but there is hope that there will be victory in the battles yet to come all because of the 300 Spartans gave Greece time to evacuate the cities and rally an army that could different the Persians and drive them back to Asia. I would have to agree with the author because just look at the field less than 300 men against the Persians that speaks for its self

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