Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Secret life of bee's Challenge

There were many differences between the book and the movie, but some things stood out to me more than others for the most part because of how the directer thought he could get away with some things that would be less obvious for those who had not read the book. For example the reason for T. Ray finding Lily in the book was how she made a collect phone call to his house and when he got the phone bill it told where the phone had come from. However in the movie T. Ray used a hole in the wall then aliened it with the map that was previously there which ended up to be the location of Lily and the Boatright sisters in Tiberon. Also when Lily goes into town with Rosaleen the book said that that she is going only for the fact that it is her birthday and wants to be away from T. Ray and for Rosaleen is registering to vote. However in the movie she goes for a training bra. A third difference is how when it is Lily's birthday comes and T. Ray enters the kitchen just before he leaves he said ''Happy Birthday Lily''. This means that they did not like the books idea for how he absolutely abominated her and actually show some compassion for once in the movie because the only reason he came for her in the first place was because he did not want to lose the only thing that was left of Debera. In the end the book was a lot better because the could could go into much more depth and truly bring out the character with out having a time limit so that you don't bore the people in the theatre.

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