Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Three W.E.X. writings


Last summer that this all happened. Though what seemed like a eon I still remember it clear as pure as the untouched reaches of space. My friends and I, Jim, Brice, Maggie and all of our families had gone to Rainbow Falls for a day during our stay in Yosemite. As the beaten road opened out into a parking lot. We briskly hiked down the path and our eyes met a magnificent pool with a gushing waterfall a top a cliff. Even though it seemed like a peaceful haven I had no idea for the event that awaited me at the top of the cliff. We went around the back of the cliff which led to the invisible path to the top of it. All we had for support was our desperation to to hold on to the jagged rocks proceeding. One foot after another we slowly climbed. With a relief of finely reaching the top I gazed over  the other side of the cliff and scrutinized the water below. Being the most gullible I offered to jump first. We were at least thirty-five feet up. The the scorched rock burned my feet and he only relief I would every feel was the icy cold death only meters below. Without thinking I launched myself through the air. It felt exhilarating. I felt kind of like I was in Xeo's shoes dying, however I felt a sort of happiness but before this came into effect I was submerged under the icy darkness... dying.


I was sloshing to the subway drenched from the dunk tank at my eighth  grade carnival. It seemed like it would never end, for one the subway was another five blocks and to make matters worse I was in San Francisco at the time and naturally it was the same annoying 50 degrees freezing temperature like always. Besides me complaining I actually enjoyed it a lot. What was the point in life if you couldn't live a little. The soaking cloths I had on at the time were soaking so as far as that was concerned that was a big fat FAIL. X_X I flashed my bus pass to the train driver and sat down on the not so comfortable sets. My friend Victor was there and was just as wet as I was. Lucky for him he had another pair of pants. He got off at Height andStanyon to go to McDonald's. I still had to go for a another half an hour including and icy cable car ride. Before arriving at my still freezing apartment. 

Charlotte's Nostrils Flared.

The earth was crumbling beneath every ones feet like the crumbs of a cookie. Joe had just ordered the attack on Gotham City with his army of super sheep all that was left of Batman was blood, guts and gore embedded into the hooves of the evil beasts. All the people were wondering who would save the people now. Batman was being a jerk dead on the ground and all the evil villeins were well ... still evil. Then in the blink of an eye it happened. Syrup rose up from the ground and many of Joe's sheep fell down the sheer cliff that just so happened to be there at the time, so don't ask questions. It was Johny Pancake and Tony Waffle putting aside there differences and coming together as the new protectors of the city. Joe was now very angry. He ordered his generals Anthony, Charlotte, Lauren and many other W.O.W. lovers to attack. Charlotte charged first with her flaming axe of doom! But our young breakfast choices were not scared. Together they formed into there super special awesome form. The dreaded waffle cake canon of doom! They drowned all the evil doers back to once they came with the golden syrup. All was sweet and sticky. 


1 comment:

Spencer said...

YES finally an epic battle of our best brekfast pals. HURA FOR WAFLES!!!!! SO TOTALY EPIC. Well done.