Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ecological Intelligence

Ecological intelligence is basically better ways of living and using up less resources recycling etc. How ever this is harder than it looks like. Even though we create these so called Eco-efficient products it takes up more energy and polluting more just to make them. So we are basically back where we started screwing up the planet. For example to make a so called "hybrid car" We waste make more carbon dioxide making the car than the driver will ever save in his/her life time. That car would have to be around for several generations before you would be making up for the carbon you made it with. But its not as simple as just keeping the car for a long time. You would have to keep the engine clean and if your car was still working great then you would have to resist the temptation to not by another car claiming it iso much better than the car your driving which they call wasting and a car of the past. Making you feel like an uncool person who can't keep up with the times. 
This article connects to our questions because how we can and convince others to live more sustainability. But how can we when what is supposed to be energy efficient is actually waiting more than before. 
My ecological indigence is in my opinion very high because before I go and by something I think of whether or not it is what it claims. This also connects that sixth sense thing because we can't always have a computer at out sides to help us with our choices in life. That is also an interesting subject because I wonder how much energy it took to make that contraption and if it goes into mass production will they even attempt to lower the carbon they release during production and with the consumer. 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

One thing that surprised me about the movie was how they were still getting the right amount of nutrients and vitamins from there when the only things that they were eating besides vegetables was honey, milk, and eggs. But even with this is it still enough to survive healthily.

I would think that they have pretty much abandoned the wants list because they have completely revolved there life around there house which is from the way I see it is all they every wanted

They most likely have one of the smallest foot prints in America because they are not buying anything besides cloths and small higine products so they are not wasting any thing and if they do end up not using what they grow then they sell it to the restaurant and share the wealth.

My thoughts on this family is that this is as close to a local living economy as you can get. If everyone in the world lived like this then that would reduce our intoxication of the earth by A LOT!!!!!!!!!!! How ever I would think that it would be better if we could not be vegetarians.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ishmael questions

I think what Ishmael is talking about hear is humans and there very narrow way of thinking through life even though we may think that we are the most intelligent creatures in the universe.
We have created a sort of system of life where if other species cant follow then they are considered inferior to use and we see them as just another obstacle in the way of use completely taking over the world completely. Not that we already have but we like to think that everything belongs to us.

a) What this ‘Erratic Retaliations` is basically saying is that these people are excepting the fact that other people have an opinion and they go through the two ideas and find out the best solution with out conflict.

b) Because there is no violence in this method and we humans are EXTREMELY violent . Take for example the Iraq war. We are in endless fighting and almost no one knows how it even started.

c) The Cawks should not fight because then they would be in our position and know one wants that. Not even use.